Friday 6 April 2012

How Changes in HTML5 will affect SEO

As a SEO expert, you are most likely interested mainly in those changes in the HTML 5 specification, which will affect your work. Here are some of them:
  • Improved page segmentation. Search engines are getting smarter and there are many reasons to believe that even now they are applying page segmentation. Basically, page segmentation means that a page is divided into several separate parts (i.e. main content, menus, headers, footers, links sections, etc.) and these parts are treated as separate entries. At present, there is no way for a Web master to tell search engines how to segment a page but this is bound to change in HTML 5. 

  • A new <article> tag. The new <article> tag is probably the best addition from a SEO point of view. The <article> tag allows to mark separate entries in an online publication, such as a blog or a magazine. It is expected that when articles are marked with the <article> tag, this will make the HTML code cleaner because it will reduce the need to use <div> tags. Also, probably search engines will put more weight on the text inside the <article> tag as compared to the contents on the other parts of the page. 

  • A new <section> tag. The new <section> tag can be used to identify separate sections on a page, chapter, book. The advantage is that each section can have its separate HTML heading. As with the <article> tag, it can be presumed that search engines will pay more attention to the contents of separate sections. For instance, if the words of a search string are found in one section, this implies higher relevance as compared to when these words are found all across the page or in separate sections. 

  • A new <header> tag. The new <header> tag (which is different from the head element) is a blessing for SEO experts because it gives a lot of flexibility. The <header> tag is very similar to the <H1> tag but the difference is that it can contain a lot of stuff, such as H1, H2, H3 elements, whole paragraphs of text, hard–coded links (and this is really precious for SEO), and any other kind of info you feel relevant to include. 

  • A new <footer> tag. The <footer> tag might not be as useful as the <header> one but still it allows to include important information there and it can be used for SEO purposes as well. The <header> and <footer> tags can be used many times on one page – i.e. you can have a separate header/footer for each section and this gives really a lot of flexibility. 

  • A new <nav> tag. Navigation is one of the important factors for SEO and everything that eases navigation is welcome. The new <nav> tag can be used to identify a collection of links to other pages.

    As you see, the new tags follow the common structure of a standard page and each of the parts (i.e. header, footer, main section) has a separate tag. The tags we described here, are just some (but certainly not all) of the new tags in HTML 5, which will affect SEO in some way. For instance, <audio>, <video> or <dialogue> tags are also part of the HTML 5 standard and they will allow to further separate the content into the adequate categories. There are many other tags but they are of relatively lower importance and that is why they are not discussed. 

    For now HTML 5 is still far in the future. When more pages become HTML 5–compliant, search engines will pay more attention to HTML 5. Only then it will be possible to know how exactly search engines will treat HTML 5 pages. The mass adoption of HTML 5 won't happen soon and it is a safe bet to say that for now you can keep to HTML 4 and have no concerns. Additionally, it will take some time for browsers to adjust to HTML 5, which further delays the moment when HTML 5 will be everywhere. 

Monday 27 February 2012

How to Get Traffic from Twitter

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform. You can get a tons of traffic from twitter. As it is the most emerging platform with many users signing up with twitter to connect and socialise with their favourite people. And get their latest updates by following them.Here iam listing some ways which can help you get traffic from twitter.

#1 Pick a niche-targeted Username

Your username is very need to pick a username that is targetting your niche. For example if you are a web designer your username should be creativewebdesigner or you are SEO specialist your name should be SEOmaster etc.

#2 Make your Twitter profile interesting

Your username and profile are the most basic things. Your profile should be well built and you should design your profile landing page very well. If your landing page and profile is boring and incomplete then you can lose your followers.And nobody will show interest in you. Include short bio of yours and try to include Keywords in your profile.

#3 Put your site/blog URL in your profile

According to reports about 80% of users don't provide their URL in their profile. With this, i mean providing url you can get a backlink to your website apart from traffic.

#4 Send the link to your profile to your associates,freinds and aquantainces

Your freinds,co-workers and aquantainces are your most loyal audience.So invite them to join you on twitter.Send them email to make them aware of your twitter profile.

#5 Socialize on Twitter with users of similar interests

Try to follow users of your niche or similar interest. And retweet their tweets.Following users with similar interest will increase you to popularise among them and also you will get latest updates from them on your niche.

#6 Tweet regularly

this is most needed.You should be active on your account.For that you should tweet regularly.Apart from posting links,you can tweet your daily activities but try not to spam your tweets by posting some unnecessary stuff like personal things,family issues etc.

you might also like to read my other post on  How to increase traffic to your blog or Website?

Sunday 19 February 2012

Top Social Media Tips for Bloggers

#1 Be Active on Social Media even if  its not driving enough traffic 

Now this is  very annoying thing if you don't get enough traffic from Social media as it is a major source of traffic now-a-days for many websites and blogs.If you feel that you are posting the articles correct,useful and handy but still not getting the traffic,Don't be upset and become frustrated.Be Patient,As it will take some time to get the targeted traffic.Try to be active on Social Media platforms and analyze what you are missing in your posts.Whether you are  posting the appropriate and desired thing at the very right place? Be sure on this and work on it to keep up posting great articles on most trending and desired topics.

#2 Use your Blogname as your username everywhere 

Using your blogname on every social media platform will keep up the audience familiar to your blog. If you are posting Great Articles then people would want to see what other great articles you have posted. They don't have to wander about your blogname,They could get it easily from your username. This will also make you brand your blog across many platforms such as Twitter,StumbleUpon,Digg etc.

#3 Join  bloggers group on Facebook 

There are many active and different blogger groups are available on facebook. Join them (Join only your blog related blogger groups) and participate in discussions and try to solve the problems asked by other bloggers. As many bloggers read other blogs to get more information and to keep up with the technology .You may also find solutions to some issues you encounter.If you also solve other bloggers issues then it will popularise you among other bloggers also,Which could result in using links of your posts on their blogs and also they may   
subscribe to RSS feeds of your articles.

#4 Be Helpful and Generous to other Bloggers 

Promote your content on other blogs by Guest post and  reciprocate the process by allowing them to have a Guest Post on your blog. Share other bloggers posts on your blog and they may return the favour by sharing your posts.It will increase your blogging connections.Which may help you in many ways like increasing traffic from their blogs by posting frequently as a Guespost,and also to help you in increasing your popularity.

#5 Generate Traffic with StumbleUpon 

You can submit your own Blog posts in the system but its best if your share them with your SU freinds and their shares back. Like in other social platforms,If you have a very good following on SU then you will get some excellent results of traffic.As many blogger have already experienced some great spikes of traffic driven from SU.StumbleUpon is something that can make your content go viral very fast and efficiently.

#6 Display Social Media Icons on top of your Blog

Always try to make as simple as you can for your blog readers to follow up on you and your articles on social media platforms.Placing Icons on top of your blog will allow then to quickly track you and connect with you on any social media platform.Just a click on a button and be taken right away on your profile.But try to make the icons of social platforms to reflect the design and feel of your blog. It will be a bonus point for you to maintain the look and feel of you whole blog or website.

#7 Create a Facebook Fan page

By creating a facebook fan page. You can connect to your audience more easily.They could ask you their issues or thank you for some great article that really helped them.In this way you may easily track your audience mind and feel about your blog. They could request you about an article on their favourite topic or any issue they have encountered. This fan page will lead you to solve their issues and increase some more audience by getting referrals from your fans to your fan page and also your blog.

#8 Import your blogs RSS feed onto your LinkedIn Profile using its BlogLink application 

As long as your blog somewhat pertains to your professional goals, you should be showcasing it on LinkedIn. List it as one of your three websites in your profile, where it will be labeled “Blog.” However, by using the Blog Link application, your most recent posts will display right on your profile.

#9 Join Communities and Forums

Joining communities and forums will help you interact with some more tech-savvy audience. It will help in solving your issues and helping others to solve the issues they encountered.Including your blog's url and name in your answers will help you get some traffic and branding your blog.

Monday 13 February 2012

Four (4) Ways to Boost your SEO with Google+

Well if you use Google everyday,who doesn't? you'll probab;y have noticed that the company is trying to lure you in many ways to join google+. Even if you sign-up for gmail or already have an account in it then you are automatically registered to use google+. And now   google+ has gotten nearly 100 million users already.And to top it all Google has  already integrated Google+ your world under its search results. Many businesses are giving a word that if you lack a Google+ presence then it could effect your organic search results.But now with this article iam going to give you a way to make your presence felt even on the Google+ and optimize your SEO with Google+ also.

#1 Get a Google+ Page

Get yourself a Google+ page.This will help you to be connected to your business partners and with your employees and also with the similar people in industry easily.But post about only your business related activities and other technology stuff relevant to your business.

#2 Stuff your page with many Keywords as possible,But do it organically

Stuff as many keywords as you can in your page related to your business website in the Google+ Page. But don't just fill up the whole page with keywords. This will make Google to think of you as a foul. Include different keywords in each posts on the page.Try to be active on your page by posting regularly or thrice in a week.

#3 Use the +1 Button

This button is just like the Facebook like button. Try to like as many pages as you can by clicking the +1 button,but be sure to like only your business related pages. What will it do to like other pages? Surely it will increase your popularity by looking at your logo in many pages i.e the likes on the other pages. Well the Google Plus integration is new with Google Search but many industry standards are thinking of it as a way to optimize the SEO.

#4 Get Many people as you can in your Circles

This is quite difficult and trickier part. But try to increase your circle as it will boost your popularity for sure. And get these people to like your page.This will increase the popularity of your page also which indirectly popularise your website and get a good amount of traffic on your website as these people will be visiting your website and if they like your business idea they'll ask their friends also to visit it. There is also a chance for you to get the business through this.

Thanks For reading Hope it helps..:)

Friday 10 February 2012

How to increase traffic to your blog or Website? has seating for college games that include some great teams in the state of Carolina that include the North Carolina Central Eagles Tickets, North Carolina Charlotte 49ers Tickets, North Carolina Greensboro Spartans Tickets college ncaa games.

There are many ways to increase traffic to your blog or website. Same kind of way follows for both of them. Here iam listing the most important ways to increase your blog or website traffic.

#1- Make you Blog's or Website's content SEO freindly

Yes,you need to do it as this is the most basic and important aspect for your website or blog's traffic. More than 3 million searches are made on Google everyday.So you should choose wisely the Keywords that you would use in your <meta> tags.Search engines are a massive opportunity for traffic, yet many bloggers and webmasters ignore this channel for a variety of reasons that usually have more to do with fear and misunderstanding than true problems. If you are a beginner or finding some problem in doing SEO You can read from my previous post How to perform SEO for a New Website .

#2-Use Twitter,google+,Facebook,LinkedIn to Share your recent posts or create pages about your websites allow  your connections to Share them 

Facebook has more than  850 million active users,Twitter with  465 million registered accounts,Google+ has nearly 100 million users and LinkedIn with over 130 million users. These are very popular networks and have many users on it. Surely if you are connecting with people there and sharing your latest updates and posts.You will get a large amount of Traffic.But post only your blog or website relevant posts as to attract  users interested in the relevant technology. or else you'll end-up having irrelevant users and loose your traffic as they'll never visit your blog or website again.

#3-Comment,Comment and Comment

Participate in the communities where your content relevant audience already gathers.Such as Other blogs,Forums and online communities.If you are having a Blog then you should allow guest posts on your blog or comment on other blogs.Join different forums of related technology and keep posting on it about new things in technology. Comment and Post wisely to get good amount of audience interest.

#4-Participate in Social Sharing communities like Reddit,Tumblr and StumbleUpon

The Major Social networking aren't alone can send traffic .You should also lookup to these Social sharing website to drive more traffic.Many Bloggers and Webmasters admit that they get a large amount of traffic from these Social Sharing Websites. Reddit may not look as good as Stumbleupon and Tumblr but believe me it can drive much traffic to your blog or website.
Each of these sites have different rules, formats and ways of participating and sharing content. As with participation in blog or forum communities described above in tactic #3, you need to add value to these communities to see value back. Simply drive-by spamming or leaving your link won't get you very far, and could even cause a backlash. Instead, learn the ropes, engage authentically and you'll find that fans, links and traffic can develop.
These communities are also excellent sources of inspiration for posts on your blog. By observing what performs well and earns recognition, you can tailor your content to meet those guidelines and reap the rewards in visits and awareness.
#5-Signup for Google Analytics and Pay attention to the results and try to Get more
At the very least, I'd recommend most bloggers install Google Analytics (which is free), and watch to see where visits originate, which sources drive quality traffic and what others might be saying about you and your content when they link over.You'll get a good idea about how much traffic you are getting and where is the traffic coming from (Google search,Stumbleupon,reddit etc). Whichever gets you a good amount of traffic try to be so much active on it but don't leave other mediums because traffic may variate day by day from every medium.
For more great articles visit :  and for web designing articles.

Thursday 9 February 2012

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Many of the bloggers or Webmasters out there would have heard this word alot when it comes to monetizing their website or blog.And wonder what the heck is this Affiliate Marketing?
Well today you will get your answer, A simple definition for this is
Affiliate marketing is Helping other businesses sell their products and services and getting commission in return. Affiliate Marketing is probably the latest branch of Marketing, which is basically more organized and effective form of Internet Marketing. An affiliate is better known as a publisher over the web and the Advertiser as Merchant / Affiliate Network.